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Games for facilitation, training, research

The marbles game and rapid games designing

For Rapid Games Designing:


Lankford, B.A. and Craven, J. Rapid Games Designing; Constructing a Dynamic Metaphor to Explore Complex Systems and Abstract Concepts. Sustainability 2020, 12,  7200.

Magombeyi, M.S., Rollin, D., Lankford, B.A. (2008). The river basin game as a tool for collective water management at community level in South Africa, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C (33): 873-880.


Lankford, B. A. and Watson, D. 2007.  Metaphor in natural resource gaming; insights from the River Basin Game. Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 38 No. 3, 421-442.


Lankford, B., Sokile, C., Yawson, D. and Lévite, L. 2004. The River Basin Game:  A Water Dialogue Tool.  Working Paper 75.  Columbo, Sri Lanka; International Water Management Institute.

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