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Irrigation/water management & performance

Understanding and managing irrigation hydromodules (2023) (opens a new page)


Lankford, B.A. and McCartney, M. Due 2023 or 2024. Managing the irrigation efficiency paradox to “free” water for the environment. In Knox, J.W. (Ed). Improving water management in agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited. Cambridge.

Lankford, B., & Orr, S. (2022). Exploring the Critical Role of Water in Regenerative Agriculture; Building Promises and Avoiding Pitfalls. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6.

Fallon, A.L., Villholth, K.G., Conway, D., Lankford, B.A. and Ebrahim, G.Y., 2018. Agricultural groundwater management strategies and seasonal climate forecasting: perceptions from Mogwadi (Dendron), Limpopo, South Africa. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 10(1), pp.142-157.


McCartney, M.P., Whiting, L., Makin, I., Lankford, B.A. and Ringler, C., 2019. Rethinking irrigation modernisation: realising multiple objectives through the integration of fisheries. Marine and Freshwater Research 70, 1201-1210.

Lankford B.A.  2013. Infrastructure hydromentalities; water sharing, water control and water (in)security.  In, B.A. Lankford, K. Bakker, M. Zeitoun and D Conway (Eds) ‘Water security: Principles, perspectives and practices’. Earthscan Publications, London.  Pp 256-272.  

Lankford, B.A., 2011. Responding to water scarcity – beyond the volumetric. In, Mehta, L. (ed) The Limits to Scarcity: Contesting the Politics of Allocation. Earthscan, London.  Pp 195 -214.

Lankford, B.A. and Hepworth, N. 2010. The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Monocentric and polycentric river basin management.  Water Alternatives 3(1): 82-101.

Lankford, B. A. (2004) Resource-centred thinking in river basins: should we revoke the crop water approach to irrigation planning? Agricultural Water Management 68:1 33-46.

Lankford, B. A. (1992).  The use of measured water flows in furrow irrigation management - a case study in Swaziland. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 6: 113-128.  Download here or

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