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Irrigation resilience & WEF nexus

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Lankford, B., Pringle, C., McCosh, J., Shabalala, M., Hess, T., Knox, J.W. (2023) Irrigation area, efficiency and water storage mediate the drought resilience of irrigated agriculture in a semi-arid catchment. Science of the Total Environment 859, 160263.


Conway, D., van Garderen, E. A., Deryng, D., Dorling, S., Krueger, T., Landman, W., Lankford, B, Lebek, K., Osborn, T., Ringler, C., Thurlow, J., Zhu T. and Dalin, C. (2015). Climate and southern Africa's water-energy-food nexus. Nature Clim. Change, 5(9), 837-846.


B. Lankford, Pringle, C; Dickens C; Lewis, F; Mander, M; Chhotray, V;  Goulden, M; Nxele Z;  Quayle, L. 2011.  Hydrological modelling of water allocation, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in the Pongola Floodplain, South Africa. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Volume 54, Issue 9: 1237-1260.


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